Our Constitution

February 2024

1. The name of the Club shall be Falmouth Golf Club, (“the Club”.) The Club is a Proprietary Club, and the proprietor is Above The Bay Ltd (The Proprietor)

2. Objectives: Falmouth Golf Club provides members and guests with a Golf Club for the enjoyment of golf, social and associated activities.

3. Conduct of the game: Falmouth Golf Club and its Members shall abide by:
I. The Rules of Golf as approved by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.
II. The Rules and Regulations of England Golf (EG). The EG Guidance on The Equality Act 2010.
III. The Rules and Regulations of the Cornwall Golf Union (CGU) and the Cornwall Ladies County Golf Association (CLCGA).
IV. The Rules of the World Handicap System (WHS).
V. The Rules of Amateur Status as approved by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of
St. Andrews.
VI. The latest published version of Falmouth Golf Club Equality and Diversity
VII. All relevant Acts of Parliament such as the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) 2018 and The Equalities Act 2010 and any England Golf directives.

4. Membership
I. All rates and categories of membership are set at the sole discretion of the Proprietor and fees are payable on an annual basis by such methods as offered
by the Proprietor.
II. All new members shall be required, in addition to their subscription, to pay a joining fee as set by the Proprietor if appropriate.
III. Members shall have all the rights and privileges of their individual membership. All members shall have the right to play in Club Competitions at such times as their category of membership shall allow, and to which they are eligible.
IV. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests and must ensure they conform to the current Club Rules.
V. Honorary memberships are solely at the discretion of the Proprietor and shall have all the rights and privileges of the category of membership allocated.
VI. All matters relating to the election, resignation, suspension, or expulsion of members are referred to in The Club Rules.

5. Conduct:
I. All members shall show courtesy and consideration to all other members and
visitors whilst using the facilities at the club.II. No member shall be allowed to rebuke, direct or abuse a member of staff. Any complaints/suggestions about the services provided must be directed to the
President/Section Captains or the Proprietor.
III. All members and their guests are required to abide by the dress code as published on the club’s website/handbook.
IV. All members and their guests are to abide by local rules both on and off the course as determined by the committee and approved by the Proprietor.

I. Falmouth Golf Club is an equal opportunities and non-discriminatory club; as such, any references to positions which could be regarded as gender specific are illustrative and does not imply any discrimination.
II. Each member of The Captains’ Committee shall be full members of The Club of at least two years’ standing and each shall have full voting rights.
III. The Captains’ Committee shall be responsible for the overall conduct of the members of Falmouth Golf Club, course management and social events for members of Falmouth Golf Club and shall regulate its own procedures.
IV. The Captains’ Committee may delegate to the sub-committees, (Men’s Section, Women’s Section, Seniors’ Section and Junior Section) any of their powers and duties except matters relating to the suspension and expulsion of Members.
V. The Chair of the Captains’ Committee will be The President.
The Officers of the Captains’ Committee shall consist of:
a. Men’s Captain
b. Men’s Vice Captain
c. Women’s Captain
d. Women’s Vice Captain
e. Seniors’ Captain
f. Club Professional
g. Junior Organiser
h. Management Representative

And up to 3 co-opted committee members. The three co-opted committee members for the Captains’ Committee will be one current committee member from each section, (men’s, women’s, seniors’) who will serve on the Captains’ Committee for a tenure of up to 2 years.
VI The ordinary committee members may serve on The Captains’ Committee for a minimum of no more than two consecutive years unless there are exceptional circumstances. In these cases, the member can be nominated to remain on the Captains’ Committee for a maximum of one further year. Only Full Playing Members
shall be eligible to serve on the committee.
VII No Member who retires from the Committee, having completed their period of service shall be eligible for re-election to the Committee for a period of one year following the date of their retirement.
VIII There will be a Mixed Competitions’ Organiser who will sit on the Captains’ Committee but will have no voting rights. The appointment and tenure will be at the discretion of the Captains’ Committee, and they will report back to the Captains Committee.
VIX The position of President alternates between a man and a woman every two years.
X Each section (Men's and Women's) will put forward at least two candidates when it is their turn to fill the position of President. The nominees must have a proposer and seconder. These choices will then be presented to the club members at the Golf Club AGM for voting. The nominations shall be subject to the prior approval of the
XI The Presidential role shall be ambassadorial and act as counsel to the Captains’ Committee and members with a primary responsibility to oversee the standard of corporate governance of the Club and will chair the Captains Committee.
XII All incoming Vice-Captains shall be nominated by the incoming sections’ captains respectively, but the nominations shall be subject to the prior approval of the Proprietor.
XIII If a committee member representing a section, resigns from the Captains’ Committee before their full tenure, the Committee may co-opt another full playing member from that section until the next Club AGM.

I. Shall be responsible for the overall conduct of the members of Falmouth Golf Club, course management and social events for members of Falmouth Golf Club and shall regulate its own procedures.
II. Provide a members’ link to communicate with the management and administration of the Club.
III. May delegate to the sub- committees, (Men’s Section, Women’s Section, Seniors’ Section and Junior Section) any of their powers and duties except matters relating to the suspension and expulsion of Members.
IV. Will be responsible for carrying out the policies laid down by the Club.
V. In conjunction with the Proprietor, the Captains’ Committee will be responsible for ensuring all members adhere to the policies as laid down in the members constitution, club rules and regulations.
VI. Will be responsible for organising Falmouth Golf Club social activities.
VII. Will ensure that there is a consistent approach to the management of competitions and handicaps and considering and imposing such Local Rules as they may consider appropriate from time to time as permitted by the Rules of Golf. And to alter, rescind or add to such Local Rules which shall have effect until so altered, rescinded, or set aside by a Captains’ Committee Meeting.
VIII. Shall, subject to agreement, undertake such other responsibilities as the Proprietor may from time-to-time delegate to the committee.
IX. Will handle member complaints and suggestions in relation to golf competitions.
X. Co-ordinate the fixture list/calendar of competitions and matches for Members of the Falmouth Golf Club for each class of membership of Falmouth Golf Club and to present such list to the proprietor or representative delegated to deal with the fixtures’ calendar.
XI. Shall produce and revise, as and when necessary, the stroke index and card of the course for all sections of the Club.

I. At all meetings of the Captains’ Committee 5 of its members shall form a quorum.
II. The President will chair the meetings of the Captains’ Committee and holds the casting vote where required.
III. The Committee shall meet as frequently as it considers necessary but not less than four times per annum.
IV. In the event of the Committee Chairperson being absent the meeting will be chaired by either the Men’s or the Women’s Captain.
V. Minutes shall be taken of all such meetings by one or other of the committee so appointed. The minutes will be posted on the club notice board for all members and a copy of the minutes will be made available to the Proprietor.

For the purposes of this Constitution, a year shall be deemed as the period from one Annual General Meeting to the next, normally held in March. Falmouth Golf Club AGM is for all full playing members to receive and impart information relevant to general Club matters both in the previous twelve months and the twelve months to come.
There will be a Proprietor’s Report and a President’s report.
I. The Women’s Captain and Vice-Captain, The Men’s Captain and Vice-Captain and the Seniors’ Captain shall be elected at their separate Annual General Meetings and endorsed at the Club AGM for the Captains’ Committee, as will
the three co-opted committee members.
II. Notice of the Club AGM and Minutes of the previous Club AGM shall be available to all Full Playing Members at least twenty-one days before the date of the Meeting.
III. Nominations for position of President must be posted at least twenty-one days before the date of the Club AGM.
IV. Tellers will be appointed to distribute voting slips and count votes at the Club AGM.
V. Notices of resolutions must be sent in writing to an officer of the Captains’ Committee at least twenty-one days before the Club AGM.
VI. All Full Playing Members of Falmouth Golf Club are eligible to vote on any resolutions that may be put forward by a raising of hands at the Annual General Meetings.
VII. At all Annual General Meetings, 25 Full Playing Members shall form a quorum.
VIII. The Joint Captains may call an Extraordinary General Meeting whenever it i
considered necessary, or when required to do so by a written request signed by at least fifteen Full Playing Members. The Meeting will be called within twenty-one days of the date of the request and held within a further twenty-one
IX. The Minutes of the Club AGM should be agreed for accuracy at the first meeting of the Captains’ Committee following the Club AGM. These will then be presented to the next Club AGM and agreement sought from the Members
to adopt the Minutes of the last Club AGM. Whichever of the Captains is in the chair for that year will sign the minutes as an official document of Falmouth Golf Club.
X. The Constitution and Rules shall not be altered or amended except at the Club AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose and should be agreed by the Proprietor prior to instigation.
XI. The Committee shall cause proper records to be kept of all its proceedings and of the proceedings of the Joint Captains’ Meetings.
XII. The decision of the Joint Captains’ Committee in all matters shall be final.

10. Playing Sections
I. The following playing sections will be recognised and formed within Falmouth
Golf Club
a) Men’s section
b) Women’s section
c) Men's senior section
d) Junior section
e) Mixed section
II. The Men’s and Women’s sections will appoint their own committees and shall be responsible for running their own sections’ competitions. The other sections to include, the Seniors, Mixed and Juniors, will be represented by the existing committees. The Seniors and Juniors will be represented by the Men’s section and the Mixed represented by the Women’s section to handle their competitions and affairs.
III. Minutes shall be taken of all such meetings by the section secretary or other member of the committee so appointed. A copy of these minutes shall be provided to the Proprietor if so requested. A copy of the minutes should also be made available to the members of their relevant sections.
IV. Each section shall hold an AGM once a year at a date agreed with the Proprietor and Captains’ Committee. Each section shall have their own constitution to be approved by the proprietor.

11. Handicap Committee
I. There will be a Club Handicap Committee that complies with England Golf policy comprising of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 persons. This is to be mixed gender and the committee must be full playing golf club members.
II. As a guideline the handicap committee members should be a mix of male, female, junior, senior, low handicapper, high handicapper with at least one member from each of the sections.
III. This committee shall allocate handicaps in accordance with the handicapping scheme as laid down by the council of national golf unions and in line with WHS.
IV. It will revise as and when necessary, such handicaps within the rules of the World Handicap and to keep a proper record of such revisions.

I. All complaints must be made in writing to an officer of the Captains’ Committee and must be submitted by him/her to the Captains’ Committee. The complainant has the right to appear before the Captains’ Committee to state
their case as made in their letter of complaint. The Committee will then discuss the matter in private.
II. The Captains’ Committee shall be responsible for considering minor disciplinary procedures that relate to matters in connection with the members of Falmouth Golf Club. This may relate to minor breaches in respect of the rules of
competitions etc.
III. The Captains’ Committee shall have the power to admonish and or agree suitable conditions or penalty based on the nature of the disciplinary matter.
IV. All other complaints which relate to a Member’s behaviour, or that of their guests in the Clubhouse, the golf course, or any other part of the Golf Club or when representing Falmouth Golf Club away from its property shall be dealt
with under the Rules of the Falmouth Golf Club.

I. The assets of the Falmouth Golf Club, including the Men’s, Women’s Seniors’, and Juniors’ sections, are separate, and none has a call on any of the others’ assets.
II. Each Section shall have in place its procedures for it to be disbanded.
III. If a section agrees to disband, the assets of the section and any funds that remain in the bank account or held as cash, after all outstanding debts are paid, will be decided by a vote at an EGM to be called by them.
IV. Each section will take the decision with regards to any funds which are ring-fenced, such as the Section Captain’s Charity or money held on account of a designated recipient, and all cups and trophies belonging to that section.

Falmouth Golf Club shares the belief of England Golf that golf belongs to everyone. All who play and all who aspire to play must have an equal opportunity to do so. The Club is committed to the principles of equality and diversity throughout its membership, its paid and volunteer workforce and any others with whom the Club engages. The
Club considers that everyone should play their part in making golf inclusive and aims to ensure that all people, irrespective of background or Protected Characteristics (link: https://www.gov.uk/discrimination-your-rights) have a genuine opportunity to engage with golf. We will not disadvantage any individual by imposing conditions or
requirements which cannot be justified.

Falmouth Golf Club is committed to ensuring that all members, as well as all employees of the Above the Bay business, be treated with dignity and respect and free of harassment, abuse and bullying, by any person whether a club member, employee or an external third party.

Any incidents will be dealt with in conjunction with the owners of the Above the Bay

What's On

Along with our golf and dining facilities, we offer a series of regular events for all to attend. Our regular calendar of events includes our Quiz Night, taking place every third Thursday of the month, as well as Fine Dining Evenings, Music Nights and Comedy Nights.

See our upcoming events here
Johnny Cowling at Above the Bay


April 1, 2025


7pm - 10pm

Get ready for an unforgettable night of laughter—Johnny Cowling is back at Above the Bay on April 1st! No, it's not an April Fools' prank—this is the real deal!

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Bottomless Brunch at Above the Bay!


April 12, 2025


11am - 1pm

Brunch just got better!!

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Yoga at Above the Bay!


April 13, 2025



Join us every week for a rejuvenating yoga session with Helen from Rhona Studio at 11am!

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